The suggestions are designed for mobile notification but they provide other fields that allow them to be shared across various devices (tablet/desktop). Those larger devices will display additional if content if available (see additional fields)
Required fields
- Title: this is the quote itself that will dispatched in the morning. Keep it short. Make each word count.
Additional fields
- source: Original author or source. If website or article. Only use the domain for source (the actual link should be in the link field). Seek approval of the owner before publishing if not reworded to fit the summary limitation.
- tags: the tag page will aggregate quotes. ie: consumption, water, electricity, waste
Often, quote will take you to a subject that deserves to be enriched with additional information. Those fields are not required but can be important as they will available on the web platform as you share the quotes
- links: url link to either the source material or the action being proposed
Other fields
- notes: anything that you want to annotate for the community, message to moderator or ideas to expand the subject. One quote often leads to another so it helps to keep track there. Moderators might add comments regarding the note there